Hello CIS Abroad Writers!

We know you’re sharing all of the stellar sights during your time abroad, so share them with us!

Your stories inspire other students to travel and see the same sights that you did on your CIS Abroad experience.

We use your images and stories in marketing materials and social media so that YOU can be #CISAbroad famous. Take a look at our blog to see what other students are writing about.

What kinds of stories should I share?

  1. Pick a topic and write your post.
  2. Submit it using the form below.
  3. Our blog team will do a light copy edit (we’ll reach out to you if we’re interested in any major revisions) and post it to our blog.
  4. Once it’s posted, we’ll send you a link so you can check it out and share it with your network.

Pictured Above: Photos from a blog post by Katherine Kirchner, an Intern in Hawai’i (program discontinued) participant from the University of Dayton.

How long should my blog post be?

Although it’s always about quality over quantity, your post should be a minimum of 500 words, but don’t be afraid to take the length you need to tell your best story. The most successful blogs take the time to get to some deeper reflections about what study abroad experiences teach us about ourselves and the world. The most engaging writing is conversational and willing to be personal — don’t be afraid to share your struggles, your mistakes, your joys, your successes. Using emotion in your writing allows others to relate to you and connect to your larger message.

Do you want photos?

Definitely! In addition to using photos, be descriptive in your writing about your amazing location. Help people imagine themselves there. Upload your high resolution photos using the form below! Please see the guidelines below.

How should I format my blog post?

Submit your blog post in a Word file or other word-editing document using the form below. Please offer short bio about you, a headline or title for your blogand feel free to do some basic formatting if you like, i.e. bolded or italicized text.

How will I know my blog post is published?

Once we receive your blog post, we’ll do a light copy edit. If there are larger suggestions, we’ll reach out to you — also feel free to reach out to us if needed during your writing process. After you submit your content below, we'll send you an email that you can reply to. When your blog post is published, we’ll send you a link you can share. We encourage you to share the blog link across all of your social networks, using the hashtags provided. #CISblog #CISblogger #travelblog #studyabroadblog

If you’re a study student, also use these: #studyabroadblog #CISstudyabroad

If you’re an intern, also use these: #CISinternabroad #CISatWork


Blog Topic Ideas

Pre-departure and Early On-Site
Academics & Internship
Local Life and Culture
Post-Abroad Reflection

Submit Your Blog Post Here

Your story inspires other students to travel and see the same sights that you did on your CIS Abroad experience. We use your words and images in marketing materials and social media so that YOU can be #CISAbroad famous. Take a look at our blog to see what other students are writing about.

Hear what students, interns, and alumni have to say

BOLDLY COMMITTED to providing the best experiences abroad