Hello CIS Abroad Photographer!


We know you’re snapping and filming away all of the stellar sights during your time abroad, so share them with us!

Your PHOTOS inspire other students to travel and see the same sights that you did on your CIS Abroad experience.

We use your images in marketing materials and social media so that YOU can be #CISAbroad famous. Take a look at our Instagram or search #CISAbroad and #MyWorldMyView to see what other visual content your peers are already making.

What kinds of photos should I share?

We’re particularly interested in photos that capture what your day-to-day life on your program looks like.

  • What do you see every day - in school or at your internship?
  • What are your favorite haunts for getting work done or just taking in the sights?
  • What buildings or views are iconic in your area?
  • What are some hidden gems that you want students to know about before they go to your city?

We’d like a good mix of horizontal (landscape) and vertical (portrait) images, and ones with and without people.

Before you upload

Please name your files using this naming convention so we can keep track of who sent them in:

Term&Year_Program_Full Name_Home Uni_Short Description

EX: Summer18_Intern in Florence_Johanna Chapman_UT Austin_working at the office

What is not allowed?

We’re sure you wouldn’t, but please DON’T include alcohol, you out at a club or bar, illegal drugs (including marijuana in Amsterdam), profanity, or parent-stressor activities, like driving, bungee jumping or skydiving in your photos.

Upload Photos:

Hear what students, interns, and alumni have to say

BOLDLY COMMITTED to providing the best experiences abroad