We recognize our current neighboring Indigenous nations: the Nipmuc, the Pequot and the Wampanoag to the East, the Mohegan and the Narragansett to the South, the Mohican and Mohawk to the West, and the Abenaki to the North.

Pocumtuc is a Mohican word meaning “clear water”. We hold deep gratitude for the Connecticut River and these hills and lands upon which we depend on for our life and well-being.

We invite you to deepen your relationship to these living lands and waters. Please check out the work of The Nolumbeka Project. This organization is a non-profit that “envisions a Connecticut River Valley where the histories, cultures, and persistence of Northeastern Indigenous Peoples are recognized and celebrated, and where all beings coexist in balance and reciprocity.”

Their free 10-part video series offers a needed perspective on native life past and present in our beautiful valley.